<p>i thought it was about...nevermind</p>
<p>We all know that asian girls like white guys.
we are so nerdy.</p>
<p>This is depressing.</p>
<p>If Asian girls didn’t like Asian guys, would there be any Asians born?</p>
<p>^Yes, because Asian parents want their sons/daughters to marry other Asians so they can communicate with their parents. Maybe that’s just how MY parents are.</p>
<p>I used to frequent an Asian forum, and this exact thread would pop up at least two or three times a WEEK. I’m so sick of this topic!</p>
<p>Threadstarter, if an Asian girl likes an outgoing, charismatic, sports-minded white guy, instead of a math/science-excelling, video-game-playing Asian guy, it’s not because of their races; it’s because of their character.</p>
<p>I can guarantee you that any non-KKK white girl would choose an outgoing, charismatic, sports-minded Asian guy over a math/science-excelling, video-game-playing white guy.</p>
<p>Most importantly of all, don’t take out your frustrations on white guys (you seem nice, so I doubt you do, but I have seen other Asian guys do it), and don’t badmouth Asian girls for not sticking strictly to their own race (again, I doubt <em>you</em> do, but I’ve seen other Asian guys use terms like “caucwh*re”).</p>
<p>I don’t think that guarantee holds. Some would, not all.</p>
<p>What about an outgoing charismatic, sports-minded, white guy vs. an outgoing charismatic sports-minded, asian guy? because i think thats what the thread is about - same personality, different race</p>
<p>Well, if the person is making the judgment merely on race, then that, my friend, is what we call racism.</p>
<p>Uh, no, you are a moron. If you like the way a certain race looks and prefer that race, that, my friend, is not what we call racism.</p>
<p>We need more athletic asian guys lolz.
This is deepening the stereotype…its so sad.</p>
<p>@ imrightuarewrong</p>
<p>So, you mean to say that you are “discriminating” based on your preferences for a certain race?</p>
<p>It’s only racism is you’re discriminating on their inherent racial background. But if you discriminate based on just not finding the features of a certain race attractive, then it isn’t.</p>
<p>For example, maybe some person doesn’t find dark skin attractive. Since 99.9% of black people have dark skin, this person won’t find virtually any black people attractive. But that isn’t discriminating based on their racial background, it’s discrimination of a certain feature that members of that race just happen to have. Therefore, it’s not racism.</p>
<p>“Well, if the person is making the judgment merely on race, then that, my friend, is what we call racism.”</p>
<p>No, that’s what’s called attraction. People can’t help what they find attractive.</p>
<p>Um, why do you think this is? Why do you think the general preferred standard just happens to coalesce in favour of the people who have propagated the most self-serving racist myths about themselves? Oh right, all just a coincidence. Maybe you don’t want to face the fact that your putting of blonde hair and blue eyes on a pedestal (or something like that) is not entirely and innocently natural, and not a predictable consequence of centuries of racist indoctrination.</p>
<p>I suppose not, but they can be critical of the culture and society that undoubtedly have influence over what is deemed attractive, and consequently, realize that drooling over posters of Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johansson is not entirely a natural process.</p>
<p>^nb, racism is discrimination based on race. Here you are talking simply about preference to skin colour/eye colour/hair colour, race is not a factor. In other words, if one prefers white partner (not racist, just the colour), then he wouldn’t mind dating white South African. Racist, however, would.</p>
<p>You’re not seriously equating white South Africans with Africans, are you? Not only are you ignoring Apartheid, but you’re also egregiously confusing race/ethnicity with geography.</p>
<p>nb, after the assimilation it’s kind of hard to distinguish.
But here is a more exact analogy - I come from middle eastern country, and I am kinda light yellow-brown.
I prefer dark/yellow skinned brunette to white skinned brunette. Mostly Indian and Chinese girls fit in this criteria, however if there is a tanned Caucasian girl - I don’t mind. I just prefer yello-brownish color.</p>
<p>Answer this question: are you seriously saying that there is even one person out there in the world who see no differences between white South Africans and black South Africans? </p>
<p>Firstly, as a Middle Easterner, you ARE Caucasian. The U.S. Supreme Court defines you as such, I believe. That’s how stupid this whole race thing is, and how arguments that somehow, we are all naturally pre-programmed to favour our own “race” is pure crap. If that is true, then the Caucasoid race that consists not only of Europeans but also of Middle Easterners, North Africans, and many Indians should all harmoniously intermarry, no? But that is clearly not the case. Phenotypical preferences are largely engineered by high social values placed on certain traits; the allocation of these social bonuses have been mostly formed by historical and political events and the resultant power imbalances. </p>
<p>Secondly, while it may seem empowering for you to throw the preferences thing back in the face of the Eurocentric standard, ultimately in the end, when racial preferences are allowed fester and profligate, the status quo remains. And for most people, the status quo is not fair. According to Russell7, a white man in the 50th percentile in terms of attractiveness is still more desirable than an Asian man in the 95th percentile in terms of attractiveness. From personal experience, this is total BS, but imagine a world where something like that is true. Just what kind of ****ed up world is that? Any world where one person can be so inferior, yet still be favoured by society over a clearly superior counterpart due to race, is a deeply racist place. I can’t think of another area in life where such blatant racial unfairness is even remotely tolerated. </p>
<p>But I can understand. Dating/marriage is the ultimate NIMBY (“Not In My Backyard”) factor. Many people can talk the talk when it comes to racial equality. They may even be able to vote for a president of a different race. They may even have best friends of a different race. But engaging with the other races in a path that can potentially fundamentally alter the racial categorization of your family and bloodline forever? Now THAT really makes you think. It’s like when somebody loudly proclaims that there’s no racism in America, and then you ask them if they’d like to be born black and they immediately shut up. I think a lot of people realize how precious white privilege is when they contemplate losing it, or at least when they contemplate their children losing it.</p>
<p>It’s a difficult battle, I’ll grant you that. But this “we can’t help who we’re attracted to” juvenile, non-thinking, intellectually-atrophied nonsense needs to stop. Open your eyes.</p>
<p>Just because the asian is 95th %ile within his own race doesn’t make him clearly superior. It doesn’t have so much to do with racism, although it does have to do with discrimination. Discriminating against epicanthic folded eyes, for example. White girls don’t dislike asians guys, they just dislike the way they look. That’s on an individual basis as the odd asian guy will be almost universally attractive to women. It’s about physical appearance, not inherent racial background.</p>
<p>nb, I mean when they assimilate, genes of white grand grand grand pa / whatever can pop up 3 generations after for a kid with black parents. Those incidents are very rare, but do happen.</p>
<p>And I think you drifted a little away on what I said. I don’t care what I am classified as, all I was trying to say is that I like darker skinned girls more than lighter skinned, but it fits for girls of all races, and it doesn’t mean that I dislike the ‘actually white’ Caucasians such as Russians and most of Americans.</p>