Do college classes count towards GPA?

I’ve taken two community college classes in high school. They’re UC transferable but my school doesn’t use it to satisfy any A-G requirement. Does it still count or no?

If they are UC transferable, the grades will be calculated into your UC GPA regardless of your HS’s policy. They also get the extra Honors point weighting in the calculation. You will need to list them on the UC application and will be required to send the college transcript once you are admitted and matriculate.

Alright, thanks!

@Gumbymom will the community college grades be subject to the maximum of 8 honors points
Also is it okay to list the class taken in spring of 8th grade at a community college that is UC transferable

@DD2019: UC’s only consider courses taken Summer prior to 10th grade Through Summer prior to 12th grade for the UC GPA. No honors points are given to classes taken prior to the Summer before 10th. The only classes that should be reported on the UC application taken during Middle school would be Math and Foreign language classes for a-g credit but not sure how they handle UC transferable courses other than those listed. You would still need to report the class under the appropriate college.

However, any college classes taken at any time will be on a students permanent College record if they apply for Graduate and Professional schools.


The UC’s calculate and consider 3 GPA’s: Unweighted, Capped weighted and Fully weighted

All UC GPA’s will only use grades from 10-11th a-g courses (summer prior to 10th-summer prior to 12th) for the calculation.

1 UC transferable course= 1 year HS a-g credit= 1 honors points

Capped weighted UC GPA has a maximum of 8 Honors points. Maximum of 4 awarded for 10th grade and a Maximum total of 8 for both 10-11th grades for DE/AP/IB and/or UC approved Honors courses.

Fully weighted UC GPA has no maximum # of honors points again awarded for the 10-11th a-g courses.