<p>I feel like it looks bad if you submit your application the day before it's due. Do colleges look at this in a bad light? Do they even see what date it was turned in on? </p>
<p>Think this might apply for lots of people : )</p>
<p>I feel like it looks bad if you submit your application the day before it's due. Do colleges look at this in a bad light? Do they even see what date it was turned in on? </p>
<p>Think this might apply for lots of people : )</p>
<p>SAME QUESTION: I sent my application in 10 minutes before the midnight deadline and I hope they don’t think I’m a hopeless procrastinator (guilty!)</p>
<p>But here’s my logic - the admissions office is swamped with applications, and the first few weeks are devoted to going through paperwork anyways. There should be no reason that they really notice or care about the time that every application was submitted.<br>
Soooo, I’m going to sleep easy tonight, having convinced myself =)</p>
<p>My logic exactly too haha</p>
<p>And technically it shouldn’t matter anways right?</p>
<p>My thing is just like some admissions counselor subconsciously noting the date it was sumbitted. Like “Hmmm… they love this school so much but they submitted this 4 hours before the deadline…”</p>
<p>i don’t think it matters, but for some schools like harvard they start reading after like 12/15, so if you send it later your app will get read later…</p>
<p>how can we help it? we are procrastinators. I mean it’s not like we have a choice lol</p>
<p>oh, @Hope.</p>
<p>If your deadline was “December 31,” then it wasn’t due at midnight.</p>
<p>It’s due midnight TONIGHT, wednesday, lol.</p>
<p>OH S that means I only have 22 hours… F</p>