<p>In other words, has a school ever sent acceptance letters to applicants who were actually supposed to be rejected?</p>
<p>One school sent acceptance letters to everyone on accident. Then had to crush some people's dreams when they sent the real letters.</p>
<p>it's definitely happened</p>
<p>Search the forum. A similar topic was just posted.</p>
<p>that would suck</p>
<p>I'm actually pretty sure one my of my acceptances is a mistake. I didn't even take the required subjects.</p>
<p>I know that a UK uni sent a rejection letter to a student who was supposed to get an acceptance letter.</p>
<p>I wonder if you could sue for emotional distress....</p>
<p>i would definitely protest.</p>
<p>but then, how would i know :s</p>
<p>I heard princeton accidentally sent a few students that they meant to reject acceptance letters a few years ago.</p>
<p>However, the problem was very limited and the wrongful acceptance was sent to very few, so they let them in anyway instead of saying "oops, we meant to reject you"</p>
<p>One of my friends got an ED accepted instead of an RD accepted letter... not really a big deal, but they called him to tell him that he wasnt obligated to go there, and that he could keep the tshirt and bumpersticker!</p>
<p>usually happens through email</p>
<p>Read "The Gatekeepers." There's a story in it about Wesleyan mistakenly sending an applicant an admit letter. They told the applicant about the mistake, and the applicant would not let them take back the offer and ended up attending (but never graduated). I imagine that's quite rare however.</p>
<p>Interesting. Since the "acceptances" are technically conditional acceptances until the final transcript is handed in, couldn't they have rejected him or her? Or did they decide to give that applicant a chance?</p>