Do colleges give leeway?

<p>I was wondering....Im applying to UF....and my GPA is pretty high....about 4.4 weighted. Recalculated its a 4.3 UF GPA. Thats above average for most applicants applying there....but my SAT scores are below average.
630 M and 550 CR, while UF average is about 1270. My rank is high as well...about 8 / 450. I was wondering if most colleges give leeway, like good GPA makes up for the SATs....or will my scores hurt me badly? Any answers would be welcomined...thanks again.</p>

<p>And one more this article true?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If it means im automatically admitted....but I called the University of Florida twice...and one time a lady said it was correct and another lady said that it only garuntees me admittance into ONE college in Florida, not specifically the University of Florida....if anyone could verify this...itd be great.</p>

<p>With that class rank, you will get in.</p>

<p>The decision is coming up on dec 8th...and im a bit nervous....anymore opinions? Would be great.</p>


<p>If your rank and GPA is that high, why aren't your SAT scores?</p>

<p>No offense, but those SAT scores with your GPA and rank just scream grade inflation.</p>

<p>No offense also, but I agree totally with 19382. That is how colleges know if a school is inflated. When you're in the top 2%, and your SAT score is only 1180. I'm in the top 25%, and I'm not a slacker, and I have 1300+.</p>

<p>I dunno about grade inflation. You can work your brains out for a 4.0, but (despite CC conventional wisdom to the contrary) it's nearly impossible to go from a 1200 SAT to a 1500. Grades are a mixture of brains, knowledge and how hard you work at it. The SAT scores are -- well -- good measures of whatever it is that SATs measure.</p>

<p>If you're good at studying, then the SAT shouldn't be a problem. You can study for the SAT. With hard, diligent work, it's possible to increase.</p>

<p>Its true....but I for one am not a good test taker. But my UW GPA is a 3.82/4.0...thats including the Bs I got from drivers ED and Nutrition and Wellness.</p>

<p>I also study....but I can only increase my Math Scores...which jumped from 570 to 630...but I studied very hard on the Critical Reading section and it has stayed at a 550 three consecutive times.</p>

<p>I also take the most rigorous courses that my school offers...which isnt much...but I still work hard at it.</p>

<p>Core Class Grades
Geometry Honors A B
Alg I Honors A A
Alg 2 Honors A A
Trigonometry & Analytic Geometry Honors A A
College Algebra A A</p>

<p>English I Honors A A
English II Honors A A
English III Honors A A</p>

<p>Biology Honors B B
Chemistry I Honors A A
Anamoty And Physiology Honors A A</p>

<p>World Culture A A
World History A B
AP History A B A B</p>

<p>Senior Course Load: (1st quarter grades)
AP Calculus A
AP English A
Physics I Honors A
Economics Honors A</p>

<p>Dual Enrollment Classes:
College Algebra A A
Compositon I A</p>

<p>A high rank doesn't show inflation IMO. What would show inflation would be that GPA with a rank of 100 or something. Every school is different and every person has different resources and exposure to study aids, etc. Just because someone is in the top 25% of their class with a 1300 doesn't mean their school has less grade inflation. There are probably kids at the OP's school with higher SATs and a lower GPA and rank who are less diligent. </p>

<p>I suppose you can't try to get into an ACT test session now (I really don't know)? It is kind of late. You might fare a little better though if it's possible.</p>

<p>Eh....UF really counts heavily on GPA and rank and not so much on SATs....and im gonna try the ACT session only to try to get 100% for bright futures... but I cant really send in the ACTs now. My test date (dec 9th) is actually a day after I get my decision letter lol.</p>

<p>I read in a book that a high SAT score will never rescue a bad GPA, but a great GPA and good SAT is not as bad.</p>

<p>I've heard from an admissions officer that UF groups the SAT scores into low medium and high ranges, with 1220-1390 being the middle range, and 1220 being equal to 1390 in their eyes. I remember the admission stats being roughly:</p>

<pre><code> 1400+ group: 93%
1220-1390 group mid 60s
under 1220 mid 30s

<p>Being a large state school, UF is very numbers based. I assume that the 30 some percent who were accepted had a GPA over 4.0 by their standards(giving only a .5 boost to honors classes but a full point to AP)</p>

<p>Yah...recalculated my gpa and its a 4.3 by UF standards.</p>