Do colleges look at whether you failed driver's permit/license tests?

<p>As the title says. I failed mine a while back, and wanted to know whether they have any effect on college acceptance.</p>

<p>Is this a serious question?</p>

<p>Come on now you’re being absolutely ridiculous.</p>

<p>No, but they may ask you how old you were when you didn’t need training wheels any longer on your bicycle-- particularly if you’re riding a bike on campus :)</p>

<p>Yes. I actually have a friend who was rejected by his local community college because he failed a math test in the 3rd grade. Sad story.</p>

<p>I actually lol’ed when I read the title. touche ■■■■■.</p>

<p>Wow. Sorry, I was being paranoid.</p>

<p>Haha it’s all good brah, just havin a little fun
But seriously, no. They won’t look at your driver/license tests…that would be insane.</p>

<p>Bad drivers have no place in an institution of higher education.</p>