<p>my unweighted gpa sucks. im pretty sure its only around a 3 to a 3.2 that being said, I consider myself to have a nazi courseload. I put tremendous effort into my work, yet alot of the times, it doesn't turn out so great. With around 8 aps(more to come maybe...) and the rest all honors, my weighted is around a 3.7-4.0 Do colleges see the huge difference to be a good thing? Would they see my uw and w and be able to tell I take rigorous classes? Or would it be better just to have taken easier classes and get like a 3.8 uw gpa, but like a 3.9-4 weighted. It bothers me to see people that put in alot of effort get rejected in favor of someone with easier classes. So do colleges look at weighted or unweighted more? possibly both equally? thanks.</p>
<p>Yes, colleges will see that your courseload is VERY rigorous and will also take into consideration the difficulty of your high school. Most colleges keep very good track of these kinds of records. Your counselor report will also probably emphasize the effort you put in. </p>
<p>However, say you were only focused on the sciences, I think it would look better on a transcript to see someone who has taken AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics B/C and take regular/honors social studies or english classes. It shows that they are challenging themselves in what they want to study, and although the course rigor is pretty hard, it’s still possible to obtain a good GPA. There will probably be someone who took the same courses as you and could pull off a 3.9/4.0 GPA. In very rare cases will a B in an AP class be FULLY considered as an A in a regular class, which is why colleges are reluctant to answer which one is better (they want to see A’s). IMO it’s too difficult to track exactly how each high school grades and its course rigor, etc. so colleges like to depend on GPA, the only other indicator of academic success.</p>