<p>If anyone has an idea...
Is the Cornell admissions committee made up of only admissions (specific) staff, or are applications also reviewed by representatives from each program, i.e. Earth Systems, Agriculture, etc.?</p>
<p>If anyone has an idea...
Is the Cornell admissions committee made up of only admissions (specific) staff, or are applications also reviewed by representatives from each program, i.e. Earth Systems, Agriculture, etc.?</p>
<p>I’m not exactly sure, and I’m only an applicant…so you should probably take this with a grain of salt. </p>
<p>I know that there are certain faculty members who read applications. I’m applying to the Arts College but I know a professor in the ILR School who, in conversations with me, has discussed his past reading of applications. I’m not exactly sure about department heads though. But this may just be within the college. So, at least in the way I understand it, an English professor could potentially read the application of a prospective history major because both departments are in the same college. </p>
<p>Again, I am not entirely certain about that. I’m sure, however, that some of the inveterate Cornell CCers know.</p>
<p>the admissions process varies by college, from what I was told by the head of IRL transfer admissions. He said some of them send things around to various people, some make up large committees that have meetings all at once, etc. I dunno who exactly reads it, but i’d imagine this too might vary by college.</p>