Do Duke undergrads also have to campout for season tickets?

<p>Kyrie Irving man. He’s a true point guard, something we currently don’t have. And we have another forward coming in and we and we are currently recruiting other small forwards. The future is bright for both programs, but don’t go thinking Harrison barnes is going to make unc dominate duke next year</p>



<p>I think we’re actually entering a period of parity for the time being. Duke is the better team this year, but I still think UNC is good enough to be able to win one (or both) of the games this year. I’m not saying that will happen, but it certainly could. UNC has dominated the rivarly for the past few years, so its good to see Duke coming back and making things interesting. It is better for the rivalry when both teams are good. And, if Singler comes back, both teams will be elite next year which could make for some crazy basketball.</p>

<p>Yeah (unfortunately) a split this year is not out of the question. Anything can happen in these rivalry games and I’m sure this years’ games will be just as awesome. Next year both teams will be loaded! I think singler will come back. He’s not doing as well this year so he probly will come back next year</p>

<p>Cuse… you seem a bit bitter about something. Maybe it is the fact that you could not get into Duke and had no trouble getting into UNC. Or maybe it is the fact that Duke is a better school. Or maybe it is the fact that Duke will win both games this year.</p>

<p>Whatever the reason is, why are you on Duke’s profile? Are you that obsessed?</p>

<p>Dude, DukeRM, calm down. People are allowed to post wherever they want, and it’s not like Cuse is being ridiculously insulting or something… I notice you haven’t got many posts - once you’re on these forums longer, you’ll notice that there are certain other non-Duke students who are far, far more annoying and who really do need a hobby.</p>

<p>^ <em>coughinterestingguycough</em></p>

<p>and…uhh…why has no one mentioned STEPHEN CURRY!!!</p>

<p>Possible starting lineup next year:</p>

<p>Mason Plumlee (6’10" beast. huuuuge potential)
Kyle Singler ('nuf said…also has Joshua Hairston as his backup in case he goes pro. Youtube him.)
Stephen Curry (highest scoring player in college basketball his freshman year before transferring)
Andre Dawkins (sick 2 guard with a deadly shot and a full year of significant playing time)
Kyrie Irving (best true point guard in his class)</p>

<p><em>shakes in boots</em> “Ooooooo Harrison Barnes, I’m terrified!!!”</p>

<p>bahaha that poor kid is going to wet his pants the second he sets foot in Cameron and hears some of the stuff we have planned for him…</p>



<p>I never had any desire to go to Duke. Chapel Hill is a better college town, has hotter girls, and better athletic programs. Duke is a great school, but I’ll take UNC over it any day of the week. Plus, UNC comes out to less than $10k a year for me, compared to over $40k a year for Duke. </p>

<p>Not to mention the ***<strong><em>bag attitude that some (but not all) Duke students have *</em>cough you cough</strong>, makes it all the more enjoyable to bring you guys back to planet earth again. </p>



<p>Obsessed? No. Bored is probably the word I would use. Being home on break kind of sucks at times.</p>



<p>Careful, you tried that when you recruited him and that didn’t work out so well. :)</p>

<p>Seriously, Singler is the biggest recruit you guys have right now for next year. We’ll be great with Barnes, and Duke will be great if they can convince Singler to return as well. Although as a Tar Heel, I hope that goofy ■■■■■■■ packs his bags and decides to take the NBA paycheck after this season.</p>

<p>Assuming I had even remotely considered it (which I didn’t), UNC would’ve been way, WAY more expensive for me than Duke (OOS). </p>

<p>P.S. I bet I’m just as bored as you, but I’ve never even sniffed the UNC CC page. Says something.</p>



<p>Not really. But, it is a free country and a free internet site, feel free to wander over there sometime. I always love rivalry talk.</p>

<p>@ENTP- Seth Curry. Stephen is his brother that plays in the NBA.</p>

<p>Duke for the national championship this year? I think so. Kansas doesn’t impress me. Although the announcers like to say “wow it really goes to show how great of a Kansas team this is, being able to come back and win the game” to me it says they’re beatable. Almost losing to Cornell at home shows that they won’t be at the top for very long. Sure it shows heart, but also weakness.</p>

<p>^ Crap, I always get them confused. Did their parents really have to choose two “S” names??! haha</p>

<p>Sidenote: anyone else think it’s odd how they look NOTHING alike? Stephen had the baby-face-to-end-all-baby-faces lol</p>

<p>Seth Curry is raw, I can’t wait to see him in the lineup next year</p>

<p>By the way, Nolan smith is coming back next year too. He’s already becoming a monster, next year he will be incredible!</p>

<p>^ Are we sure he’s coming back? Like has he publicly announced it?</p>

<p>If so:</p>


<p>LOL good luck, everybody else. You’ll need it.</p>

<p>Well he’s probably not going to the NBA. He still has a few things to work on in my opinion. Singler is the only one I could see leaving, and I don’t think he will leave either! Lol yes, good luck indeed!</p>