<p>How can one get season tickets for Duke basketball games? Also, when do peoiple tent out at K-ville for tickets?</p>
<p>-With heavy donations and such, Iron Duke status, Connections... aka you dont... and they cost mucho $$$</p>
<p>-Student section is free and first come first serve for every game... best seats (or stands) in the house!</p>
<p>-Tenting is always for the Duke v unc game at cameron... and I think normally one other game... like Maryland or something... not positive on the second one.</p>
<p>The second one changes from year to year, depending on when the UNC game is and such... this past year it was Wake Forest.</p>
<p>The first tenters almost always go out right around Christmas time. I think this year's Tent 1 was actually out there a week before Christmas. This year's UNC game was March 4th, with official "tenting" beginning on January 9th. My tent was out there January 7th, and we were Tent 10 (eventually 9, after a tent ahead of us was bumped). February 14th was this year's other tenting game (Wake Forest), but I think the order of the tenting games alternates every year (aka this past year the UNC game was second, which is annoying because that's the game everyone really camps out for, but this coming year it should be first, which means most people will stop tenting after it as it's not worth sleeping out in the cold just to go to...the Wake game).</p>
<p>About 20 tents were out there during the first week of tenting (on or around January 9th), and blue tenting (the most "hardcore") is capped at 50 tents. White Tenting allows an additional 50 tents, bringing the tent total in K-Ville to 100. Any tents that don't make it get put on a waiting list, which really puts on extra pressure not to miss any checks (if you miss more than 1, you get bumped - to the end of the line or, if applicable, the end of the waiting list). White Tenting begins either 10 days or 2 weeks before each game (I can't remember which one it is), and the only rule change is that you need 2 people per night instead of 8. After the 1st game, it goes back to Blue Tenting until White Tenting begins for the next game, and you do NOT retain your spot from the first round of white tenting. White Tenters cannot become Blue Tenters - if you white tent for the first game, you have to take down your tent and re-register if you wish to white tent for the second game. </p>
<p>Not only do students not get season tickets for games unless the tickets are already in your family or something like that, but you don't want the normal tickets anyway. Normal tickets involve sitting up in the higher sections, while tenting/line-waiting involves standing in the student section. I spent 1 game sitting in seats (my family bought tickets to a game), and hated it - I was watching my friends in the student section with envy. You can't get into the student section with "tickets," only by waiting on line, and that's where you get the body-painted, chanting, screaming, packed-in, jeering atmosphere that makes the games so much damn fun.</p>
<p>I looooove sitting in the Iron Dukes seats upstairs! I think it's a great change of pace to see the student section and to see the game from a great vantage point -- plus it doesn't take as much time out of the day and you don't have to worry about standing at a 45 degree angle and having some kid jump on your foot. Being on the floor is one of those priceless Duke moments, but I think if you have the opportunity to sit upstairs, it's worth it.</p>