Do freshman room and roommate assignments come today?

<p>This will be a short-lived discussion, but I was wondering if incoming students got an email today with their housing and roommate information.</p>

<p>not yet…</p>

<p>Thanks. I was able to determine the dorm by looking at the bill again. It changed to reflect the actual dorm assignment, including more money due.</p>

<p>where are you seeing the dorm info on the bill?? I don’t see it…</p>

<p>The bill had previously said Housing, Default, but now it says Housing with an abbreviation of the name of the dorm, and an adjusted price.</p>

<p>Hmm… our bill just says Housing Lower Quad, Fall I know she’s in Lee Hall b/c of Hypatia but it doesn’t see Lee Hall… </p>

<p>housing assignments coming out at 4:30 today. My son is in Lee Hall also, Galileo, and his bill still says Lower Quad. I don’t think all the bills have been updated yet.</p>

<p>In the past, the bill did not change to the Hall name but kept the general area for which the charge applies. Exceptions were some halls with a unique cost. Here is the grid, so I imagine your bill has the $2,431 price since it is Lee Hall / RLC community?</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>The housing assignment should come out today, with your roommate and your assigned room. Give it time, it should come around 4:30 and when it does you’ll get an email telling you how to view this info!</p>

<p>It is actually $2175 right now, I guess it might go up?</p>

<p>It might, or it might not. Really depends on where you end up living, though, since some dorms are more expensive than others. That price may go up though, so be ready. Although it definitely won’t shoot up too far.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>When it does come out, there is a place within VT website (buried a little) where you can pull up each dorm’s actual floor plans so you will know where your room is located within the building. I found them while playing around 3 years ago for my oldest son. Just an FYI</p>

<p>wow, that’s really helpful! thanks!</p>

<p>It was very cool. I think the VT dorm info site shows some of them, but all floors and dorms are out there if I can remember where I stumbled on them. Still have a few saved, but not Lee. I have very fond memories of Lee Hall. it is where my husband stayed sophmore year. I spent alot of time in Lee back in the mid-80’s. I had Slusher Wing.</p>

<p>I got Vawter!</p>

<p>Is Vawter still all male? My son got Miles his freshman year and it was all male.</p>

<p>@bboop42 Not anymore, it’s coed now.</p>

<p>cool. they should really update their website. Enjoy VT, my DS2 decided not to go when offered space from wait-list. DS1 is starting his last year at VT for ME…he is ready to be done.</p>

<p>Roommate notices in! Log into Hokie Spa, Housing and Dining Services, Room Assignment.</p>