Elite Private High School
Class size 47
School does not rank</p>
M 690
V 680
W 650
Taking the test again in Nov</p>
<p>SAT subject tests
Math 2 650
Literature- 690</p>
<p>GPA 92.46 on a 100 pt scale</p>
<p>AP Exam Scores
English Comp-4
U.S. History-5
Calculus AB-4
<p>I have taken all the Ap classes my school has to offer (8 of them) and will take the AP exams for the last 3 at the end of this year when i finish those courses, i have recieved As in 4 of my AP classes and a B+ in the other. I have not gotten my first term grades back yet</p>
<p>Volunteer work
2005-2007 Volunteer WPS Volunteers (various)
July 2006 Volunteer Apalachian Service Project (tenessee)
Apalachian service project, building houses in tennessee for underprivileged families.</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 40
2007 Volunteer Ocean City Democratic Club (Various)
Volunteering with the Ocean City/Assateague Democrats, giving out pamphlets and hanging up doorknob signs
2006/07 volutneer WPS Volunteer (WPS School)
Once a week traveling to various classrooms and taking out recycalables</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 1</p>
<p>Employment History
summer 2005 Runner Castle In the Sand hotel (Ocean City, MD)</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 30
summer 2006 Front Desk Clerk Castle In the Sand Hotel (Ocean City, MD)</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 40
summer 2007 Front Desk Clerk Castle in the sand hotel (Ocean City, MD)</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 40
summer 2004 Concession Stand Worker Planet Maze (Ocean City MD)
selling food products</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 20</p>
<p>Honors & Awards
2005 Oratory Contest, zone winner Optimists club
advanced to fourth level in competition
2005 Academic Convacation Speech
Highest Academic Average
2006 Academic Convocation
Art Appreciation
2006 Earned membership to the National Honor Society
2007 Academic Covocation
2007 Academic Convocation
For excellence in the Maryland Math League
2007 National Merit Scholarship Contestant
considered for the National Merit Scholarship for outstanding preformance on the PSAT</p>
<p>2007 AP Scholar with Distinction</p>
<p>Activities & Interests
2006 National Youth Leadership Forum on Law NYLF
A week of learning how our legal system is run. Included seminars, mock trials, and mock supreme court cases
2005, 2006, and 2007 Upper School Musicals
The Pyjama Game, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat, The Wiz</p>
<p>Fall 2005 and 2006 Golf, practice squad
2005 and 2006 Botball WPS
engineering program, working with physichal engineering in combonation with computer programing</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 8
2005 Jv Basketball Manager
Managed Jv basketball team
2005-2007 Beak Speaks Newspaper
<p>2006-07 SGA Representitive
a represetitive of the junior class in the Student Government Association</p>
<p>2005-06-07 Upper School Ensemble
An elite member of the upper school chorus</p>
<p>June 2007 Anti-Smoking Musical
writing and acting in a musical which is directed to show the consequences of smoking.</p>
<p>Avg. Hours: 6
2005/2006/2007 Upper School Chorus
A member of the upper school choral society</p>
<p>2006/2007 Drama Elective
A group dedicated to the dramatic arts
200/2008 beak speaks newspaper
2007/08 WPS Drama club (starting late october)</p>