<p>I attend a public high school in upstate NY that is known to be a tough school.
I have just finished my junior year
I am an Asian girl (first generation immigrant)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.4 (I know…)
SAT I: CR 750 M 710 W 800 = 2260 (first time)</p>
<p>SAT II: Just took US History and Math II in June </p>
<p>APs: World History, US History, Lang & Comp, Statistics, Psychology</p>
<p>Next year’s APs: Calc AB, Environmental Science, European History, Gov Pol, Literature</p>
-14 years of piano
-Advanced Diploma in Music Theories at Eastman Community Music School
-Head Coxswain of Varsity Crew Team
-Best Delegate Award at Model UN Conference
-Class Treasurer
-Student Senate
-Officer Adviser of Friends of Rachel
-Pit Orchestra for School Musicals
-All Girls Acapella Group
-Spent 20 Days Volunteering in Honduras
-Around 150 Hours of Community Service at Korean Church
-Latin as an Independent Study for two years, took National Latin Exam, won two awards</p>
<p>I should add that the reason I’m interested in Brown is because I visited in early spring and just fell in love with the school. I just really loved the campus and the atmosphere a lot.</p>
<p>Your SAT and ECs are great,GPA is low…but it never hurts to apply!</p>
<p>Thank you for your response! 
The only thing that would hold me back from applying is my low GPA, I’m afraid that they will automatically filter me out or just not even consider me because of how low it is.
Are you aware of whether they do that?</p>
<p>With that GPA, the big question is how it fits into the context of your school, which you say is notoriously difficult. If your class rank is still in the top 10%, it’s definitely worth an application.</p>
<p>Your SAT and ECs look really good to me. You still have a little time to bring up your GPA but you won’t be able to bring it up much. I would focus mainly on showing improvement between your junior year and first semester senior year. I would definitely apply either way. You never know what could happen. One of my friends who has around the same GPA as you (if not lower) and far less ECs got accepted into Yale and is attending in the fall. It never hurts to apply. Best of luck.</p>