Hey guys I’m a rising senior and I am really interested in applying to Sophie Davis as I truly want to become a doctor.
I come from Staten Island Technical High School in NYC and have around a 93 average unweighted and a 97 weighted.
I have a 1450 SAT
30 ACT
My extracurriculars are
- started my nonprofit organization to raise money for funding toward clinical trials for Small Round Cell Tumor
-President of ALS awareness club, raised 100 dollars
-President of Marine Biology club , raised 110 dollars
-Vice President of our schools science debate club
-President of our schools Model US Senate Club.
- Did SING and Spring Musical for 3 years
-Glee Club
- Volunteered a summer with an orthopedic surgeon (40 hours )
- volunteered with two pediatrician's throughout the school year and summer (200 hours
- volunteered with little kids at a second language school (950 hours)
- Participated in the Perry Outreach Program which is a medical program for girls interested in surgery
- interning with a professor at a local college and participating in a organic chemistry study he is conducting ( about 70 hours)
- Programmer on our schools Underwater Robotics team
- Participated in our schools Solar Car team
- working on a robotics project involving creating a self driving mini car
Do I have a chance at all? I have gotten mixed reviews about my GPA so please don’t sugar coat it, if it’s bad let me know. This is my dream school and if there is possibly other BSMD’s that I’d be eligible for please comment below.
Hi. I got an interview+waitlist for Sophie Davis (but didn’t get accepted because I probably didn’t do well during my interview), but I can say that your sat and act scores are pretty good. your extracurriculars are great, certainly more than what I had. but remember that it all comes down to your three essays if you want an interview. they are the MOST important factors. my sat score was in the mid 1300s, and I didnt have spectacular out-of-the-box extracurriculars, but my essays were pretty strong (and my rec letters were pretty good too) and I was surprised I got an interview. I strongly suggest to put your best efforts in your essays since your gpa and standardized test scores are fine. and after that, what actually gets you ACCEPTED is how well you do in your interview. once you get an interview, that means that your grades and extracurriculars were what they needed, and your academics are good enough for the program. what they now look for is your personality, your level-headedness, the way you can talk and answer questions, and that’s it. They now want to see if your personality has what it takes to make a responsible doctor in the future. Because after all, this IS an interview for undergrad AS WELL AS a seat in medical school with no MCAT. So how you perform in it is extremely vital. That’s what gets you in.
Think of it like passing two hurdles. The academic hurdle is #1 (which you’re pretty good on. all you need to do is try your BEST to make essays to blow them away WHILST staying true to yourself) and the interview hurdle is #2.
I wish you the BEST of luck because Sophie Davis is as competitive as it gets!!
TYSM I just saw this and this really helped as this is still my top choice, thank you