Not a chance me, more of a “Is it even reasonable to apply to CMU?” My biggest worries are my SAT for my demographic(Asian male) along with “exceptionally average” ECs. I know CMU admissions difficulties varies significantly by which college you apply to and I am interested in business. Tepper seems to be one of the harder colleges at CMU, but not nearly as hard as SCS. I would apply RD so is Tepper a reasonable reach for me?
Demographics: Asian male, middle class, PA, business major
GPA: 97 UW, 99 W(4.0 UW on 4 scale for context)
SAT: 1510/1600 New SAT superscored,1480 single sitting(2190 superscored, 2130 single sitting converted to old SAT)
SAT II: 720 Bio E
Rank- 2/100
Course Rigor- 7 APs, 8 Honors throughout high school, most rigorous in my school
FBLA-2 years- treasurer(11), president(12)- 1st at regionals, ~20th at states
Model UN- 2 years- treasurer(12)- best delegate, 3 events per year
Tennis- 3 years- #2 singles on varsity team, club team, local tournaments, etc(biggest EC, not recruit level though)
Tennis volunteering- helping out at local clinics over this summer for our district residents(100 hrs)
Students against destructive decisions(SADD)-4 years-treasurer(11)
Engineering competition-11-12th
Recycling club- 9-12th- President(12)
Piano- seven years- private lessons
Yeah, it’s reasonable to apply. Make sure your intentions for applying are defined in your essays. Colleges appreciate an applicant’s passion and fervor 
Tepper also requires the Math II subject test. Have you taken that yet?
Also, not sure CMU superscores. They do require that you submit all scores and will look at the general pattern (and give most weight to the highest exam score, according to their website).
You might consider specifying Dietrich as your backup, with a major in economics (the subject is actually taught at Tepper).
Good luck!
@Mamelot No, but I would take it in the fall. Yes I saw that they “gave most weight to the highest exam score” so I thought that meant they superscored. Other threads on CC all say they superscore too.
I’m confused, so is economics in Dietrich still business focused or the usual more theoretical Econ? If it’s like Econ at most schools in the arts and science colleges then I’m not really interested in that. I wasn’t sure what you meant by “taught in Tepper” though. Also does applying to more than one school look bad or is that common at CMU?
@classof2017 if others on the forum know that CMU superscores then you should definitely take their advice.
There are a couple options for economics. The one I’m referring to is the BA or BS in Econ. offered jointly by Dietrich and Tepper. Here is a description:
"The Undergraduate Economics Program has a unique position at Carnegie Mellon University. It is the sole undergraduate program that is a joint program of the Tepper School of Business and the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. The combination of research strength (Tepper has been home to nine Nobel Laureates in Economics) and commitment to liberal arts and interdisciplinary studies (Dietrich has "the most creative general education program of any American university” – New York Times) provides our undergraduates with a world-class economics program.
Economics majors are considered members of both colleges and enjoy the full support and services of both. Undergraduate economics students should consult the program’s website and handbook for details about applicable Tepper and Dietrich academic policies and procedures."
Also, you are going to get a lot of theory at Tepper, regardless of your major there.
Good luck to you!
@Mamelot So would I have to get into both Tepper and Dietrich to major in econ? If it’s just Dietrich then it could be a nice backup.
@classof2017 - while you are considered a member of both colleges, you are admitted through Dietrich. You’d need to research what that means exactly w/r/t fulfilling liberal ed. and other requirements for your chosen degree.
Here are a couple of links to get you started:
Good luck to you!