Do I have a chance

Hi I want to apply for the business school, is it a good program???
My stats
26 ACT
Model un 4 years
13 years dance
A board of my towns sustainability section
Will be an officer for environmental club
Choir 6 years
DECA 4 years made it to nationals

I really want to go to Kelley school of business, smeal school of business, or Michigan state???

First you need to get accepted to UW as a whole. Once you are a student you apply to the Business school at UW based on your college record and any other application materials then. A few students get direct admits to the UW Business school as freshmen- with your stats that may not happen.

Not sure what you want since you mention 3 others. I think you need to consider the overall university first- will you like being on the campus as a student. If so, consider the programs. Do your homework for the major you desire within the respective business schools. Compare the requirements, offered courses and needed outside your major requirements. Only YOU can determine which school fits your goals best. One school may be better in one field than the others- which one you should set your sights on depends on the business major(s) you have in mind.