Wisconsin School of Business - Worth the risk?

<p>I was accepted at U-Minnesota's Carlson School which accepts freshmen. With UW-Madison, I would have to apply after my freshman year with the chance of getting rejected. </p>

<p>How strong of a weight should I put this factor when considering my decision? Would it be worth the risk?</p>

<p>How confident are you in your ability to perform Freshman year? As long as you get A’s and B’s, you’ll get into B-School at Wisc. It’s competitive, but I understand they’re trying to filter out bad candidates, not prioritize good candidates. In other words, it’s not hard if you pull A’s and B’s. </p>

<p>It might be a case of which school do you like better, are there any financial differences, etc.</p>

<p>If you are really nervous, call the B-School at Wisc. and ask if you can talk with an Advisor on the phone, or at least make an appt. to talk on the phone with an Advisor and explain your delemma and see what info you get.</p>

<p>Yes. Just perform. Easier said than done but doable provided you spend the time and effort required. I have friends who are graduating in the School of Business who go out 4 days a week and maintain upwards of a 3.7.</p>