Chance of acceptance?

GPA: 3.81 unweighted, 3.90 weighted
ACT: 34
Extracurriculars: president of best buddies senior yr, officer junior year (4 years in club)
National Honor Society 2 years
Teens Teaching Tolerance
Summer church camp work crew
community service-120 hours currently- should be mid 200s by graduation
volunteer at church, etc.

ive wanted to go to UW for the past 3 years and am planning to only apply here, what do you think my chances are? need to know if I should send apps to other schools

if my stats are good to get into the school, can you guess my chances for direct admit to business school? that’s my main goal

Will your UW essays have proper punctuation and capitalization?

@megimc your stats seem fine so your chances should be excellent-to-safety (esp. given that you are in-state because the admit rates are higher for WI residents).

We’d like info. about direct-admit to Wis. School of Bus. as well because D3 has a 34 ACT and a 3.9 and interested in Business. New webpage launching mid September and application opens up in Nov. For now they’ve posted stats that about 10-15% of the admitted class will be admitted to Direct Admit so pretty competitive!

@Mamelot @meglmc I went to the business preview day a few months ago. They said that about 150 students are admitted to the business school from direct-admit decisions. From what they explained, it sounds like they changed the decision process this past year so they no longer look at ACT and GPA because “you were already admitted to UW-Madison.” I think you write an essay or two explaining why you’re interested in business and activities that prove it, and they base it off of that.

@meglmc You will definitely get into Madison, but the business school (especially direct admission) is very difficult and the chances of direct admission are slim.

@meglmc you asked about other schools. You might consider Carlson (UMN) which is exclusively direct admission and is ranked on par (perhaps slightly higher now) compared to WSB in the USNews rankings. Your stats should be good enough - my daughter was just admitted with a 3.9 uw and a 34 ACT - and unlike WSB’s direct admit your academic stats DO matter for admission. You also have reciprocity as a Wisc. resident. I’ve actually been more impressed with Carlson’s job placement stats, although UW-Madison might dominate in certain specialties (not sure). UW itself is ranked significantly ahead of UMN, of course, so a lot depends on how much you want to be at a particular university overall. Carlson gets you going with at least two business courses as well as Econ and other prerequisites so you hit the ground running. I think at UW you take the same courses whether you’ve been directly admitted or not. UMN is a super easy application - no required essay, no rec. letters - and they are making admit decisions right now. FWIW.