Do I have a shot?

<p>My name is Sahar and I'm currently a junior and I have always wanted to go to a UC and because I'd like to stay close to home, UCLA is my top choice. I want to double major in both Political Science/International Relations and European Studies with a minor in French. Now is the time that worries about admission is consuming every waking moment of my life!I just wanted to ask you if I have a good shot by listing my accomplishments- to put my worries to rest and have me sleep at night nightmarefree! I have truly spent too many minutes worrying and stressing over my chances of getting into the school of my dreams and knowing my hard work will pay off and I just want an objective and intelligent opinion.(Sorry if it is long-I tried to make it as succinct as possible!) </p>



<p>BWHAHAHA you’re so persian!</p>

<p>you’re in, khoshkelak, take it easy.</p>

<p>hot damn you dont have to tell your whole story to us. we just look at your stats and judge…we dont care about your motives.</p>

<p>anyways youre in.</p>

<p>lol btw about interning with that congressman…i would reconsider…with the gary condit incident and all…</p>

<p>persians and UCLA… hahahaha. :D</p>

<p>so…are you sure i will get in…i dont think so. :(</p>

<p>I think this guy main purpose is to make us feel bad…
you’re definitely in- -</p>

<p>Yah you will get in. Anyways, you can’t have a 4.7 UC GPA because you can only have 8 bonus points (or a 5 for a honors or AP per semester) total in 10th-11th grade. And I am guessing you have 3 semester done, so I think you have a 4.533</p>