Do I have a shot?

<p>Chances please?</p>

Rank: 32/480
Ethnicity: African American
GPA: 3.48 UW, 4.2 W (upward trendd)
SAT: 1820 (CR 630, Math 590, Writing 600) i get my new scores tommorow if i did better i will send them but dont think i did lol
ECs: good
Essay: Good
Recs: Great!</p>

<p>Applied EA</p>

<p>*** u have everything the same as me except my school doesnt rank. were even from teh same state</p>

<p>You’re not in for sure, but you definitely have a shot.</p>

<p>Good luck, hope to see you here next year!</p>

<p>Yeah I figured because of the GPA and not amazing SAT scores it would be kind of a reach and i sure would like to be there next year :slight_smile: !!!</p>