<p>What are my chances of getting accepted?</p>
<p>Major: Computer Science</p>
<p>Sex- Male
Ethnicity- Indian
Location- New Jersey
School- large public school, about 400 in my class many graduates go to Ivy League schools or equivalent
Grade- 11th grade (in Sept.)</p>
<p>9th Grade: UW - 95.2; W - 97.5</p>
<p>English Honors - 96
Geometry Honors - 92
Physics Honors - 93
World Studies (World History) - 95
Spanish 3 - 94</p>
<p>10th Grade: UW - 94.1; W - 96.9</p>
<p>English Honors - 88
AP US History Pt 1 - 89
Algebra 2 Honors - 94
Chemistry Honors - 96
Spanish 4 - 96</p>
<p>11th Grade: (Hopefully I can maintain around a weighted GPA of 96.5-97)</p>
<p>AP English
AP US History Pt 2
AP Biology
AP Computer Science-A
Precalculus Honors
Spanish 5 Honors</p>
<p>12th Grade:</p>
<p>AP English
AP Calc AB
AP Physics-C
AP Spanish 6
AP Computer Science-AB</p>
<p>Class Rank: Top 20 students (out of ~400)</p>
<p>SAT II: Chem - 710 (going to retake...hoping to get at least 750)
SAT: M-800, CR-660, W-620</p>
<p>EC's (needs some work i think)</p>
<p>Robotics - 9, 10, 11, 12 (hoping for captain position in 12th grade)
Future Business Leaders of America - 10, 11, 12
Student Council - 10, 11, 12
Varsity Swimming - 9, 10, 11, 12 (manager, no chance for recruiting)
Founder + President of JSA club - 10, 11, 12
Piano for 6 years so far (8 by the time i graduate)</p>
I volunteer at the local library (~10 hrs a week)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Tutoring Math and Reading at Kumon for ~10 hrs a week</p>
9-10: Summer Enrichment Classes
10-11: Donated used computers to less fortunate students
11-12: International Internship</p>
<p>Chances? Suggestions for improvement? I would like to know where I should focus my efforts for next year</p>