Do I have the possibility of getting into Berkeley?

<p>I applied to everything but UCR and UCM and I have gotten into all of the ones that have sent out decisions so far (UCI, UCD, UCSC, UCSD, UCSB) and received that email invite to apply for UCSC’s Regents and FYHP (not sure if I got that yet.) Cal is my dream school but I feel with about 93% certainty that I can’t get into Cal, or at least LA for some kind of ego boost. My stats:</p>

<p>ACT: 32 composite (36 english, 26 math :(, 34 science, some other numbers I can’t remember right now)
Unweighted GPA: 3.98
UC GPA: 4.1-4.2
Rank: 9/~300
I’m from the Central Valley so there’s ELC. I know that’s not a huge factor but maybe it gives a little to boost me.
AP: Completed: AP English Language (4), APUSH (5); In Progress: AP English Lit, AP Calc AB, AP Chem</p>

<p>EC’s: Color guard 4 years (captain for 2), Mock Trial 2 years (lead defense attorney 1 year), Winter guard for 3 years
Volunteer/Community service: Volunteered at the American Cancer Society thrift store this past summer for ~50 hours
Personal Statement: I felt like it conveyed my personality. In one essay I talked about my color guard season from hell and how I learned to be a leader by having a difficult time, I gave it a very positive spin. In the other essay I wrote about moving frequently and moving from the South to California just before high school began and how I like science because I love “evolving” and all that kind of stuff. I think they were unique, maybe not masterpieces, but unique.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering, just kidding. I applied Undeclared for the College of Natural Resources at Cal and Undeclared Science at LA
State: CA</p>

<p>I think my biggest weakness are my lack of EC’s and the fact that I didn’t take SAT Subject Tests. Can somebody please destroy my hope for getting in or do I have to wait another week and a half for my decision?</p>