Do I need a printer?

I know this is probably a dumb question, but if I happen to be accepted to BS, is it necessary for me to bring a printer? If any current BS students could give my their opinion I’d appreciate it!

At DS school, there was no need.

It really depends on the school and in some cases, the dorm (i.e. proximity to school printers).

It varies - DS has one, but is rarely using it this year.

My kid’s school has a printer in every dorm and wireless everywhere with all electronic devices hooked into the network. No need. (Plus, most things are turned in electronically)

I second that most things are turned in electronically. DS is a day student and I don’t think he has used our home printer since starting school.

Thanks for your responses everyone, they were very helpful!

Not very relevant to the thread… but isn’t this a bit early @futurereject37 ? M10 and decisions are still months away :wink: :))

Yeah @Atria, I know, just like to be prepared lol