Do I need to write a letter to the UCs if I drop a class?

<p>I am confused as to how to notify the UCs if I drop a class. Do I email them individually, send one email to the UC office of admissions, write a letter explaining, through postal mail etc? </p>

<p>Here’s my issue
I am planning to drop my AP Calculus AB class from my second semester schedule. I have applied to UCR, UCI, UCLA, and UCSD. I almost didn’t pass my calculus class but made it to a C. I do not want to risk failing again. I am taking 6 APs (Calculus for now, environmental science, psychology, spanish, english literature, and physics). My GPA when I applied was a 3.9 (4.3 weighted). Now it is a 3.78. I honestly do not understand what is going on in calculus right now. I have tried tutoring but I really want to drop the class while I have the chance (the last day is on the 3rd of March). </p>

<p>Your answer is under #3:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;