<p>I really would love to attend UChicago, but I'm not sure if my grades/extra curriculars will cut it. I assume that my chances are fairly low with this.</p>
<p>CR: 720
W: 720
M: 590 (Ouch!)</p>
<p>My GPA in ninth grade was poor, around a 3.0. However, there's been a steady incline. In 10th grade I had a 3.5 and last year I had a 3.8. I've taken all the AP classes in English/History/Writing and, being the poor math student that I am, I'm going into Cal I next semester. My school is fairly tough, we get an associates degree upon graduation.</p>
<p>My school, being as small as it is, had very few clubs or teams (actully no teams). For that reason, I have had very few in-school extra curriculars. However, I've done some volunteer work:</p>
<p>-Habitat for Humanity on a Lakota Reservation (S. Dakota)
-Archeology volunteer work on a Hopi Reservation (Utah)
-Volunteer work at the South Street Seaport with officework and helping with a sailing program for blind children (Manhattan)</p>
<p>Besides that, all I've really done was helped out at the writing center at my school (essentially a tutor).</p>
<p>I've heard that the essay counts for a lot and I'm fairly certain that I can write a good one. I really have a passion for philosophy and the classics, which I hope I can communicate in the interview. Lastly, I'm Latino, which can't hurt.</p>