<p>Im a fairly decent student, I did ok on the ACT's...not great but decent. Anyway I've talked to a lot of my "football" friends, the typical dumb "jocks" who have horrible GPA's and don't care about anything. And they were telling me they got like 29's , 31's....I mean the 29-33 range, and Im so much smarter than them, and I didnt get a score like that....How would they have even done it, it makes no sense. Maybe they are smarter than they let on</p>
<p>Both smart and dumb people cheat on the ACT/SAT. They could just be better standardized test takers, but who knows?.. Just ask them if you want to know how they got their scores.</p>
<p>just cause someone scores better than you doesn’t automatically assume that they are cheating. They could be good standardized test takers, who knows?
i know a few jocks that got 35s, but they just don’t do any school work.
I’d look into the facts before making any wild accusations.</p>
<p>Well, I dont want to ask them, by doing that I would be accusing most them…and I dont want to do that…Im pretty sure one of them did cheat…but I have no clue how he would have done it …he got a 32, and he is the dumbest kid ever…I over heard him saying how he cheated but how is that even possible on an administrative test like the SAT and ACT, even going back and finishing a section after the time limit would not get him in the 30’s.</p>
<p>What do you think they did to cheat? I’d like to find out how they managed to do that. </p>
<p>One of my friends got a 29 on the ACT, probably has a GPA around ~2.0, will graduate high school but not planning on going to college, didn’t take practice tests or anything like that. Some people are just naturally good at it, and you just wouldn’t expect it.</p>
<p>QwertyKey, I dont know what they would have done…I dont know a lot about the ACT and SAT…thats why Im asking how they would have pulled it off…from everything Ive thought, administrative tests like the ACT are like mission impossible regarding cheating…I know they took the test, like nothing over the top of someone taking it for them, I saw them on at the test center…I just dont know how these dumb friends could get 32’s and 33’s…maybe more knowledgeable people about the test can tell us</p>
<p>Some people just have the intuition. maybe they’re smarter than you think they are and they just aren’t trying hard enough. Besides, the ACT doesn’t really test if you are smart or not, it tests comprehension.</p>
<p>The only “cheating” I can even fathom on a test like that is possibly filling in answers after time was called. Unless the proctor was a moron, it’s pretty hard to do that.</p>
<p>IF all the tests are the same, then maybe they just copied the answers of someone smarter around them…but im pretty sure everyone has different forms</p>
<p>I thought everyone had the same form… A few people at my school just let friends cheat off of them. They said it was the same form for everyone for the ACT.</p>
<p>The only way that I can think of is if you paid a smarter person to take the test under your name who knew general info about the person such as address, phonenumber, etc. I don’t know who would go through that trouble but only way I can think of.</p>
<p>I think it depends on the proctor. If he/she is lazy and doesn’t pay attention, people can easily copy off each other.</p>
<p>I have heard of protors that gave extra time to finish the test.</p>
<p>Look if they got extra time, then the person who posted would have gotten more time too. he said that he saw them in the test so that rules out another person filling in for that person.</p>
<p>I think , since people are saying everyone takes the same test…which I find hard to believe anyway since its the “ACT”…but my best buess would be probably a proctor not paying attention most of the time, and they sat next to someone smart who didnt cover their answers…I dont know if this scenario is possible…but thats what im guessing</p>
<p>I thought they gave different tests??? isn’t that where like the forms thingy comes in ??? (i had like a Form 68-B the last time i took it. idk… maybe it’s all the same)</p>
<p>i honestly think that all the forms are the same. its just that most people wouldnt cheat off someone else because they wouldnt put their score in someone elses hands. they have to have the same questions for all the tests and it wouldnt make sense for them to make 438920423 different forms for a 1-day test.</p>
<p>easy way to check would just be to look at someones booklet during the science section. [most obvious to see if forms are same since there are pictures]</p>
<p>You u cud ask someone if they are your friend during the break if you guys had the same question for number 60 on math. Im100 percent sure it’s the same test because right after the test, people get on CC to discuss questions…obviously u can’t discuss if they aren’t same question.</p>
<p>I’m sure once again it depends on the proctor. One can easily have his/her phone out during the test and txt the answers to other people in the room.</p>
<p>im praying to god i don’t have an anal proctor.
i liked my last proctor. i walked in 10 minutes late last time cause i was waiting with the people who had saturday school detention thinking it was for the ACTs. she still let me take the test and had the class wait a few minutes for me to bubble in my information.</p>