<p>I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but...</p>
<p>Are the application essay prompts the same (or very similar) every year, or do they change?</p>
<p>I am just curious because I am currently a junior and wish to apply to Princeton next year, and I was contemplating what to write my essays about. Could I start brainstorming ideas now based on the essay prompts provided, or is it a waste of time because they'll simply change when I actually apply?</p>
<p>Hi Sarah,
nice to see that a junior taking the initiative to start their apps early. Good luck.
As for the essay topics, they tend to change every year. I suggest you wait till mid-July when applications for most schools come out. </p>
<p>I agree. I am a good writer, but those essays seemed a little dull. I’m not sure how I would have really “showed” myself in them, if you know what I mean.</p>
<p>haha, i thought it was really bad at first.
I started jotting down ideas instead of trying to write the perfect essay.
Be real, and be yourself. Princeton gives topics not to make it incredibly annoying and hard to write about. They want to see how you can work with what they give you.