Do they have to be out of their dorms on Friday, May 4, after the last exam?

<p>We’re in a quandary. Younger son is taking the SAT on May 5, and we want to make sure he gets enough sleep. But if older son has to be out of his dorm on May 4, that means he’ll be arriving at GBO in the middle of the night (early-early morning May 5). We could leave younger son home, asleep, while we go to get older son, but something tells me he wouldn’t sleep (and he would be upset about missing the “fun” of picking up his older bro). </p>

<p>It would be sooooo much better if older son could stay over till May 5 and take Amtrak then, arriving early early May 6. </p>

<p>Is this an option? Does anyone know?</p>



<p>I have 9:00 on Saturday, May 5 on my calendar as dorms closing. D is planning to move on the 30th of April.</p>

<p>when is your kids last final. ours is on thursday.</p>

<p>Dorms close at 10am the day after finals end, which this year is Saturday, May 5th. Housing tends to be confused saying that the dorms are closing at 9am on some messages, 10am on others. Historically the dorms have closed at 10am, but non-graduating students were still moving out after that.</p>

<p>Check with your RA for the latest move out time for that RA. one year, our son’s RA had to leave early, so she wanted everyone out by Friday. However, we were able to arrange for another RA to sign son out.</p>

<p>LadyDianeski: Definitely check on your son’s last finals time. My son has his last one that Friday night. As a freshman, he did request and received permission to stay until that Sunday, as he was journeying to Costa Rica with Alabama Action Abroad. Your son could ask for permission to stay a little later on that Saturday, and then get different transportation to the airport for a later flight.</p>

<p>Thanks so much, y’all!</p>

<p>Dumb question: How do I find out when his last final is? (I guess I could just ask <em>him</em>–DUH!! Assuming he knows, lol.)</p>

<p>^^ Never mind – found it at mybama. Alas, DS will have a Friday exam – Greek. That means he’ll have to move out on Saturday – especially since the exam will most likely occur at the noon hour, and his Amtrak train leaves at 1 p.m.!</p>

<p>He can check with his RA re arrangements. Thanks again, y’all!</p>