Do transfers get the highest retaken class grade or are they averaged?

<p>I have retaken a class that I originally got a C in. I received a B in this class, will the B be taken as the grade or will the average of the two be taken? Would this average grade just be a C?</p>

<p>On my transcript, the “B” is taken in which giving me a higher GPA.</p>

<p>I heard that while on Blinn it shows the higher grade Texas A&M Actually just average the two classes together. So if you got a C then an A although your community college or actual university might take the higher letter grade (an A), Texas A&M will simply average the two and as a result the actual grade would be a B.</p>

Ok so based off of what i’ve been told by advisors i have talked to, when calculating your cumulative GPA they will include both of those grades. however, if you need to get a B in that class for admission they’ll look at that grade, if that makes sense? I’m in the same boat and talked to the advisor for my major and she told me not to worry about it.