Do UC's like "comeback" students?

I’d love to apply as high as UCLA and I currently have a 2.7 after 3 quarters. I was thinking in the summer quarter and the next year, if I can get all As in my next classes, I’ll end up with a 3.5 in 90 units for transfer.

But has there been a case where someone that hasn’t done well in the first year and done well in the second year got into (for example, UC Berkeley?)

Major: Comp Sci

If you have a 2.7 after 1 year of college it is unlikely that you are going to be able to get all A’s in the future.

The UCs will see your grades after the end of 1st semester before they make their decision. The 2nd semester only matters with regards to being rescinded for a sudden drop in performance. So now your GPA that they consider is going to be something like 3.2 which is nowhere near a competitive gpa, even assuming you pull off the all A’s

In a replies to your previous post people gave you links to the charts of gpa ranges for accepted students at the UCs; take another look and see what you think based on your projected gpa

It’s largely due to procrastination. I have plans that are guaranteed that I can accomplish my goal. My college is on a quarter system. Will UCs only look at the fall quarter of my second year?

^^^ you can find the answer at

I hope it works for you.

But I gotta be honest with you. At Cal only 25% of the xfer into CS had a gpa below 3.81 and at ucla it was about the same. Even in your best of all worlds, where they looked at your entire 2nd year (which they don’t) you’d still be denied.

And there’s a bunch of red flags in your posts. People are rational when they talk about the future. You say you are going to do all the right things, and I bet you really believe it. But it’s in the moment that all that logic and rationality falls away and that’s why diets and exercise plans fail even though people really believe they’re going to follow thru. Post back next January and tell us if you’re getting all A’s.

Second, your post is a variant on the “if I work really hard at my CC and get all A’s can I get into IVY?” posts we see here all the time. A CS degree from any decent program such as a CSU along with some internship experience and good grades will get you a great job. But instead of being happy with such a bright future, for some reason you have your heart set on 2 of the best public U’s in the land. I have never figured out if those seeking the tippy-top think there is something truly better for each and every grad of those schools, if they want to show the world that they’ve been underestimated and “just look at me now!”, or something else.
That table will show you the transfer GPA by major for all UCs.

I would encourage you to apply to your dream schools but, recognize the odds are against you. With a 2.7, you should also apply to non-impacted CSUs and your ‘local’ CSU.
Good luck.

I guess I’ll stay for another year in CC and then transfer. But thanks for the feedback.

UCs tend to be stat-loving. You’re better off transferring later as you suggested, or consider a less competitive school.

I hope it all works out for you!