Do we answer this question directly or do we use our minds to frame a creative and unique answer?,…The question is ‘Tell us where you have lived - and for how long - since you were born; whether you’ve always lived in the same place, or perhaps in a variety of places’.
It is Brown. I am sure some creativity is expected.
It’s up to you. Some students answer it very straightforward, just giving the facts. Others are more creative. I’m sure Brown has accepted students who answered it both ways.
I realize this is a particularly hard question to answer if you’ve lived in the same boring suburb for 17 years.
yeah ecactly fireandrain,…Thanks People for your insights!!
@WhataProcess I’m pretty sure OP means “we” as in “we students who are applying.”
I wasn’t sure what they expected either, but I answered directly but not exactly in list form, more of a narrative.
I took it creatively and wrote a poem, mostly because wanted to have some rhyming SOMEWHERE in my application. You’ve only got a hundred words, so make of it what you feel best represents you.
Speaking as one of those boring 17 year suburb kids, I wrote honestly about how I’m sick of living in a bubble. I almost went the creative route to ‘stand out’, but I think authenticity is most important – and that will show through if you answer it how you want. They wouldn’t ask the question if they didn’t actually want to know about where you come from, but if you think being creative fits you better go for it.
Thanks a lot people. I appreciate your time.