Do you get to pick which location of the RAP you want?

<p>So I want to be in the nursing RAP, but it's in 3 locations. I'd rather be in the Orchard Hill one but I wouldn't really care if I got in the southwest or northeast one. I know that I can hold a spot in the RAP, but do I get to pick which location? Or do I pikc that when I get to NSO? Or do they pick it for me? What about pcicking roommates in a RAP. How do they do that?</p>

<p>So when you sign up for your RAP you get to pick the area you want to live in. You can pick before NSO or during, but some RAPs fill up really quickly so I’d do it earlier than later. To pick roommates, it depends on your RAP. Some RAPS only allow roommates within your RAP to room with you and others are more lenient. The info should be in the RAP description. You don’t pick roommates until NSO anyway.</p>