Do you help strangers?

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>My name is Donny. I am putting together a web project that revolves around college education for college students. I just wanted to get some quick insights from you.</p>

<p>If a stranger from your school asks you an education-based question (on facebook or twitter or similar), that you know how to answer, would you go out of your way to answer it?</p>



<p>If I were on campus and someone asked me a question, given that I had the time to I’d answer it. However, it’s kind of suspicious that someone would message a random person on FB to ask a question like that… I think I’d be kind of weirded out and wondering if this person had ulterior motives (why not just ask a TA, classmate, or prof?).</p>

<p>Hope it helps!</p>

<p>I’d personally only give as good of an answer as I’d give here. :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses.</p>

<p>Let me rephrase my question :).</p>

<p>Would you respond if a stranger that goes to your college PMed you on here, with an education-based question that you knew how to answer. Or would you ignore it.
(assuming it is not against the rules or anything)</p>


<p>An education based question on cc? You mean like homework help?</p>

<p>It’s never happened. Who on earth would pm someone to ask for help in a class on cc?
That seems super sketch to me.</p>

<p>I have had people from my classes that I have never seen before message me on facebook to ask for help, which I don’t have a problem with. (LARGE classes). I have messaged people that are probably only acquaintances for help in an emergency. Nobody seems to care, but I don’t think my school has a particularly cutthroat environment. I guess CC wouldn’t be any different.</p>

<p>Homework help, classwork help, or test help? No. I’ve never done it or had anyone ask o.O</p>

<p>Random questions relating to the school itself like housing, activities, majors, a specific class, non-academic, general advice – absolutely. I do answer questions to the best of my ability if they PM me. I was in their shoes once when I first started on this site :)</p>

<p>I’d answer it unless a. I have some sort of reason to believe it’s not in my or someone’s elses best interests to answer the question and b. it won’t take me a long time to answer it. So basically, I’d answer the question(s) unless I had a reason not to.</p>

<p>Ah alright, that’s perfect, pretty much exactly what I’m looking for. </p>

<p>Yes, I was asking in the context that it wouldn’t be ‘abnormal’ or ‘weird’ to do so.</p>