<p>thank you kevster</p>
<p>Good for Georgetown as well</p>
<p>again, thanks kevster!</p>
<p>I wish you were like an oracle or a prophet!</p>
<p>do you mean with my current standing or if I raise my SAT?</p>
<p>more comments? please?</p>
<p>well, the only purpose for chances threads is to create a realistic list. we can't change your chances. so just add more matches and safeties. what they are requires your OWN research and camp visits.</p>
<p>Your SAT score seems decent enough, but getting it about 2150 + would do great. (If you can pull it up to 2200, that would be excellent).</p>
<p>I think it's going to be tough, but you might be able to pull of UVA, Georgetown, or JHU. After going through the process and comparing you to myself, I wonder why you should get into the places I didn't when I had stronger stats and solid everything else. A lot of it is luck, but I just don't see you being competitive for ivies, Duke, and a few of the others. You have to have something that really makes you attractive since academically, there are so many talented people like yourself. I'm sure you could do great and have a good shot at schools a "tier" or two below the ivies (like USC, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, etc.).</p>
<p>You shouldn't just apply to all the ivies, you should pick ones you are truly interested in. There is a huge difference between Brown and Princeton for example.</p>
<p>Basically, apply where you want to go, but love your match schools and you never know. An adcom might like something and you could get in to one of your reaches.</p>
<p>I hope this makes sense and helps. Good luck.</p>
<p>Thanks gcards, that helped me a lot.
I went to your old posts and saw your stats.
2270 SAT and 4.0 GPA. That's really really good and you should be very proud of yourself.
Yes I know that my ECs seem to be all over the place. I will have to think of a better way to tie them up over summer.</p>
<p>I will of course only apply to one Ivy early. I'm not one of those Asians who will slit their wrists if they don't get into Ivy college. I have safeties, too, but I just wanted to see my chances at college I really want to go to. </p>
<p>Do you think I'll have a better chance if I raise my SAT and GPA senior year?</p>
<p>Of course, wowser.</p>
<p>Good attitude. It'll make april 1st and first semester of senior year so much better. Of course you'll have a better chance if you raise your SAT and GPA, especially for Gtown, UVA, and JHU. It's only one aspect of the complex puzzle of admissions.</p>
<p>lol okay thank you for your positive comments!
I will stay positive and work hard over summer.</p>
<p>Any advise on how to raise my SAT score?
You guys have really good scores...</p>
<p>Well you have really good SAT II scores (kicked my a$$!). It depends on your breakdown. I took a bunch of practice tests and eventually I realized there are only certain types of questions I would see. I knew the info, it was more about taking the test. This worked well for math. For cr I studied about 400 words for my final try since it's really hard to study for the passages besides practice tests. I think it worked because I missed about 3 less sentence completion questions, raising my score to what I wanted. For writing, just do a lot of writing sections. There were certain questions that came up a lot, especially in the "find the mistake" part. I just gathered that there'd be a "no mistake" in one of the last few difficult problems, but there wouldn't be more than two or three. Little things like this helped when guessing, although it wasn't 100% effective. Basically, there are only so many types of questions that will be asked and if you can figure these out, it really helps!</p>
<p>okay! thank you!</p>
<p>break down:
730 math
660 CR
700 Writing
I used to get 10s on the essay, but for some reason I got 9 on this one.</p>
<p>Like I said, I'm gonna work on my SAT.</p>
<p>For ED, I don't know which school I should apply to.
My drem school (Princeton)
or math/reach school (JHU)</p>
<p>any advise?</p>
<p>well i think you should apply to whereever you REALLY want to go to... princeton's a reach for anybody but if you REALLY want to go there then by all means apply ED .. if you REALLY want to go to JHU then do that</p>
<p>and DONT LISTEN TO ANYBODY WHO SAYS YOU HAVE NO CHANCES ANYWHERE .. i can't stand people on this site who say things like that >.< .. its just mean</p>
<p>i think you really should work on your essays cause thats going to be what separates you .. i don't know about chances cause im not an admissions officer </p>
<p>but if it helps any .. one of my friends got into Georgetown with a 1980 or something like that .. but she had GREATT ECs and grades .. i nkow one person who got into princeton with a high 2100ish score but she also had awesome ECs and Recs.. soo don't worry about the SAT scores ... concentrate on things that can really make you stand out</p>
<p>and if you can .. do really well first semester next year because if you get waitlisted at whatever school you decide to do ED then thats going to help you a lot .. o and don't forget the whole financial aid thing .. amke sure you can pay for whatever college you go ED ^^</p>
<p>phew* that was a long post</p>
<p>lol thanx!</p>
<p>Essays X 100000000000000000000000000</p>
<p>what does that mean?
essays are VERY important?</p>
<p>Essays, believe me, are very important. True, grades and high SAT scores say something about you - you are driven and set high goals and they know you made great effort to get high grades. But that won't determine your PASSIONS and CHARACTER and your TRUE IMAGE</p>
<p>Your AI is around 211.5. Normally this would be borderline for the lower Ivies. However, you are getting 64 for your rank/grades, 70 for your SAT I scores, and 77.5 for your SAT IIs. Since the rank/grades is the most important thing and since your ECs aren't that impressive, and since you are Asian (which takes away around 50 points on the SAT Is--equating to 2.5 on the AI--meaning your AI is the equivalent of 209), your odds are not great at an Ivy league school--particularly Princeton.</p>
<p>If you could boost this a bit by moving your rank up during the first part of the senior year, you'd have a better chance. Therefore, I strongly suggest you don't apply ED to Princeton, if that is your dream school. Use your ED at JHU or someplace else. Also, realize that your chances at Cornell are probably around 10% to 20% greater than at Princeton--although with a good essay and excellent recommendations that might change.</p>
<p>As far as some of the other schools, since you are in-state your chances at UVa are much better (match) than at Georgetown (slight reach) in my view. (Georgetown ranks tougher than John Hopkins for admissions--only 22% were accepted at Georgetown vs 30% for JHU). And I believe JHU is still a slight reach for you. Duke is also extremely tough to get into (don't believe in picking anyplace easy, do you?)--and ranks up there as a reach.</p>
<p>You would have a much better chance at Vanderbilt, Carnegie Mellon, Tufts, Michigan, or UCSD (all matches) and maybe Northwestern or Chicago (matches to slight reaches).</p>
<p>Safe matches for you would be Lehigh, Brandeis, Univ of Rochester, Wake Forest, UCSB/UCI/UCD, and NYU (except their theatre arts program).</p>