Do you think IB would be the best route for me?

<p>I'm currently attending a very small non-ib high school that offers very very few APs and is low on extracurriculars as well. I recently discovered that by taking on the IB Diploma I would have the capability to transfer into a much larger school with many more opportunities, but I'd have to be in IB as it's outside my 'school zone'. I know all about IB. I don't underestimate that it will be difficult and that time management will be of the essence, but I think it is what's right for me, I'm just wondering what you guys think.
I'm from a very small Canadian town that doesn't offer many opportunities as more than 80% of its high school students end up at the local university.
I want to attend a much different type of university or college institution. I'd like to be a journalist and like to study English and maybe some things about film studies. Anyway I'm off topic a little now, do you guys think transferring to this school would be beneficial?
And also, I know that IB is incredibly time consuming and everything else and that CAS takes up a lot of free time, but is there still room for extracurriculars? This new school has a large range and I'd love to be a part of them. Also how easy is it to get your ECs to count for CAS? I guess that last question really depends on the school... Anyway thanks for reading and please share you insight. </p>