Do you think Long Beach is...

<p>one of the top state schools? Or is it just average?</p>

<p>Long beach is def. One of the top csu’s.
Other than cal poly slo I don’t think there’s a better school than Csulb in the state system.
Sdsu is tied for second.</p>

<p>sdsu is better than csulb by a long shot. oh and im pretty sure calpoly pomona is better as well.</p>

<p>i think its slo and sdsu that are tied for the top, long beach is up there with san jose and san fransisco.</p>

<p>slo is the top for sure
and sdsu is a great school but they environment counteracts that
csulb is definitely a top csu (especially for art)</p>

<p>For business, communications, and I think nursing isn’t Fullerton better?</p>

<p>I’d say CSULB is one of the top CSUs. It’s very respected throughout the state and they have some excellent programs. Yes, there are CSUs who are better for certain areas. But then that’s true for almost any school.</p>