Do you think...?

<p>Do you think that anyone has ever been accepted into a top boarding school like A/E with a rather low GPA, like maybe 3.4? I'm curious.</p>


<p>I think yes, of course! First off, that is not a low GPA. Is it perfect? No…but it is still good. Second, schools are not just looking for 4.0-ers there is so much more to a student’s application and acceptance than just a GPA. If the only thing a student had going for them was a 3.4 GPA, then no, they would not get accepted. But, if the student had a 3.4, was active in their community and EC’s, had good SSAT scores, and was very personable in the interview, then, they would be (IMO) as competitive an applicant who had all the same and a 4.0.</p>

<p>There’s only one way to find out…</p>

<p>well, the average Andover freshmen grade is ‘‘A’’…</p>