I don’t believe in our medical system lately ive been taking many steps in my own health. Such as being vegan and I have seen a lot of improvements and I know something’s wrong with healthcare and I want to be a part of the change I think naturapathic medicine is what I want to do. its kind of a rare field so do y’all know anything about natural medicine universities, job outlook people that practice and how to get a practice going in it anything helps?
I know they advocate for the killing of children through anti-vaccination and believe in homeopathy (i.e. that the more you dilute a chemical, the stronger it becomes and that solvents have memory so that they will “remember” the chemicals you have removed from them). The fact that they charge people to learn their garbage should be a crime.
Yeah bro Im not interested in what you mentiioned above. I believe in more so treat while body not the symptom, using food as medicine and hervbal medicine instead of prescription drugs and things along those lines. I thought that’s what natural medicine is. Why do you think they teach that?? I just feel like we need another perspective on medicine besides prescription drugs
Treat the whole body not the symptom sorry but why do you think natural medicine is that crazy stuff you said.
Because that’s what naturopathic medicine preaches. What you are talking about is not “naturopathy.” By definition naturopaths don’t believe in evidence based medicine. What you are describing/looking for is part of standard medical practice. Look up FODMAP diet for IBS as an example. Microbiome research is also opening up whole new theories on the role of diet and medicine.
Herbal medicine vs. prescription drugs is pure chemophobia btw. Many prescription drugs are derived from plants and fungi (eg many antibiotics, anti-arrhythmics, anti-cancer drugs). I recommend this article for some perspective http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/medical_examiner/2013/02/curing_chemophobia_don_t_buy_the_alternative_medicine_in_the_boy_with_a.html