<p>This doesn't particularly apply to me since I'm doing most of my college application materials online, but how in the world are people who are applying via post going to get their things turned in?</p>
<p>The Post Office was closed on Sunday, as it always is. </p>
<p>The Post Office is closed today for New Year's, and most colleges' RD applications are due today.</p>
<p>Tomorrow has been declared a national day of mourning for President Ford, so the Post Office will again be closed tomorrow.</p>
<p>I guess anyone who had mail to send had to ship it Saturday!</p>
<p>Whoa, totally didn't know about the President Ford thing. I was wondering why the post office flag was at half-staff on Friday. Well, some colleges are extending deadlines (Duke moved up to Jan. 12 receipt deadline). Anyway, if you're submitting online, this shouldn't be a problem, and if you're talking about mailing recs and transcripts, don't worry...the postmark deadlines for those are more elastic.</p>
<p>You should have been more organised then, shouldn't you! I hope anyone who has not managed to submit their application by mail because of this is rejected.</p>
You should have been more organised then, shouldn't you! I hope anyone who has not managed to submit their application by mail because of this is rejected.
<p>^^ Excuse me? Your comment is highly offensive and inappropriate for this forum. As my PM inbox is not full, I grant you permission to apologise via PM if you are unable to apologise to me in public.</p>
<p>There are my ratings. Hope you find them of use.</p>
<p>And now I'm wishing I hadn't even applied to Wooster, because the hassle of applying for scholarships - without which there's no way I'm going there - is maddening. The Music/Theater/etc apps were supposed to be RECEIVED by today? Dangit, I am so STUPID!</p>
<p>ratings i agree with .... stay calm, mellow out college admission is not the end of the world
we have now done what we can and now must sit back and enjoy senior year while waiting for decisions
good luck to all</p>
<p>And I admire awaiting-college's ability to get things done. She (?) has already started working on applications for the class of 2012...very early.</p>
<p>As I start/finish my Yale application on December 31st...I'm not one to talk about procrastination. But I guess if I am rejected it's probably just because I wasn't organized enough, huh? :)</p>
<p>All of you need to chill
awaiting-college he/she was speaking hypathectically
Don't get steamed
Still it was "really rather humorous''-[thanks j07]</p>
<p>you know what is also funny/illogical... the 15th, another big college dedline, is on a holiday after a sunday. they just want us all to be at the airports i suppose... yay for online apps</p>