I am seeking to apply to highly selective universities next year. Throughout my career in high school I have taken the most rigorous course load of any student in my school’s history (will graduate with 16/17 AP exams taken). In fact, I took AP English Lit a year early because I want to major in English and love it so much (For example, currently reading Walden for fun.). I want to take English next year, but my school has no other class for me other than dual enrollment, which is regarded as beneath an AP class at my school, so I would feel like it was a step back.
Someone recommended that I attempt to get my administration at school to approve an independent study of English, with a curriculum supervised by one of the AP english teachers at my school. Does anyone have experience with this? Is this a good idea? I would probably have a period at school to do my work independently and then turn it in and review with my teacher in the morning. Would colleges look highly of this initiative and inclination toward my prospective major? (Seeking to major in English and Political science- either double major or my own created major depending on what college i attend).
Thank you for your help. I really need some guidance on what to do.
-Independent Study (how? should I?
-Dual enrollment…
-Other easy honors class or AP Stat (Hate math, taking AP calc)-(No more Ap classes, signed up for all I can other than interest specific ones like Studio, Physics, Music, and CompSci).
***I am highly class ranked and could potentially be 1 or 2, so I can only take weighted classes…otherwise I would be taking a class I want to like journalism, Debate, or student government…sadly, I can’t do this without dropped multiple places in 1 semester…