does anyone know about the Columbia University's Summer Program?

<p>is it hard to get into ?</p>

<p>Pre-college</a> Summer High School Program - Summer in New York City NYC : Columbia University</p>

<p>also,how can i demonstrate my passion and interest on my personal statement? im not good at expressing my thoughts in words due to the fact that my second language is english. what do they actually want to see on my essay????</p>

<p>no one knows? :(</p>

<p>Look, it’s like an 80% admit rate, I wouldn’t be too worried.</p>

<p>^^is it a good program ?if im trying to take a chemistry course ???</p>

<p>Don’t know how good that course is, but don’t freak out about your personal statement. I wrote mine last minute in an hour and I got in.</p>

<p>I really want to do this course!! The Middle Eastern one.
I thought I wrote a pretty good personal statement, but my grades dropped.
From an 86 to an 80 because I didn’t do well on one of my mid-terms
I mean I have the money to do it…
Do you know how long the application process will be? Or is it really hard to get in… I am freaking out at the moment.</p>

<p>I was gonna do it until I saw the price tag.</p>

<p>Non-competitive Summer programs at select universities are businesses; they are rarely taught by regular professors. (think “cash cow”) College Admins are more interested in seeing how you did in a course when carrying 4/6 other courses+sports+EC, and give much less credence to the ‘A’ that you got in a single course in the summer. If you are going to take a summer course, take one that you could not possibly take at your local school. </p>

<p>On the other hand, if you are taking regular Chem/math/language, so that you can jump a level at HS, college AdComs will appreciate your striving to take the most rigorous regular HS curiculum available. </p>

<p>Taking more of the same old same old show a decided lack of imagination.</p>

<p>What is the admission rate like ?
What should my personal statement include?</p>