Does anyone know anything about biopsychology?

I want to be a psychiatrist, but I don’t know what major to choose. The college I was looking at said this was a good major for psychiatry, but I’ve never heard of it before and do not know much but what a simple Google search can tell you. Does anyone have any pros or cons or really just information on this field of study?

Excuse me, but doesn’t one need to get into a medical school to become a psychiatrist? I don’t live in the states, but in many europian and asian countries, you can’t work in that industry without being MD, though your major does seem like a nice pre-med option…

You do need an MD, but you can, theoretically, get into med school with any degree. I was just wondering if anyone else thought biopsychology might be a good lead in to med school.

Well of course it is. It’s perfect. Up there with Neuroscience.

You can be a psychiatrist with any major. But yes, biopsychology would be a good major - it’s the study of how your biology/physical anatomy and your psychology work together, and affect one another. This is essentially what psychiatrists do, so it’s good preparation.