<p>I am a senior in highschool applying to USC. I dont quit understand what the whole course thing is about. Is it for transfers only or can someone tell me what the equivalent courses are for econ 130 and math 118 and such. please i would like to know soon as possible</p>
<p>Help please</p>
<p>Disclaimer: I attend USC, but I am not in Marshall, so…</p>
<p>I am pretty sure there is no supplement for freshman applicants to Marshall - just for transfers. As a freshman, you need to list either Business Admin code #486 or Accounting code #12 as your first-choice major on your application to be considered for Marshall. The course equivalents would be for transfers as well - you would have to have certain pre-requisites completed - but as a freshman it wouldn’t apply to you. Here is the webpage about additional requirements: [USC</a> Admission - Additional Requirements](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/additional_req.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/undergraduate/apply/additional_req.html)</p>
<p>Also try posting in the USC forum - hopefully someone who is actually IN Marshall can give you a more reliable answer. Good luck!</p>
<p>I just found this over on the USC forum: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/609134-applying-marshall.html?highlight=marshall[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/609134-applying-marshall.html?highlight=marshall</a> Hope it helps! (cc411 is a very reliable source.)</p>