Does CC like SAT II's?

<p>I am trying to make up for my abysmal class rank, and I was wondering if CC likes to see subject tests?</p>

<p>Should I apply EA/ED with a 690m 760cr 740w SATI or retake in october and apply RD? </p>

<p>Or should I apply ED/EA and then send in my score later? </p>

<p>Or should I forget the SAT I and take SAT II's in october and apply RD, or ED/EA?</p>

<p>I am so confused how to boost my chances most</p>

<p>Here’s my two cents, which you may consider or ignore as you see fit:</p>

<li><p>Forget about retaking the SAT I. Your scores already are impressive, and raising them a few points won’t make any difference.</p></li>
<li><p>You say you have an “abysmal” class rank, which tells me your grades could be better. You should therefore try to get the highest grades possible your first semester senior year. While this may not make that much difference in your class rank, it will show an upward trend and let CC know that you can handle a rigorous academic load. </p></li>
<li><p>As for SAT IIs, CC does not require them, but will consider them if submitted. If you feel you MUST take a another standardized test in October, take one or two SAT IIs in your strongest subjects.</p></li>

<p>But again, your SAT I’s are really solid, so I’d work on showing them that you can deliver the grades. That’s where I’d put my time and effort, if I were you.</p>

<p>I agree with SunMachine, your SAT I result already is good enough. If you take and submit the SAT II in your strongest subjects, and really do well, it may demonstrate that your lower grades only reflect the competitiveness of your school and program.</p>

<p>I think EA is a wonderful option. You get a decision (maybe not the final one) by December or January, but you are not locked in. What’s not to like about EA? </p>

<p>Sounds like you are a little too focused on trying to game the system. Focus more on learning about the school and why it might be the best fit for you, then sit down and write (and re-write) a compelling set of essays.</p>

<p>My school is not overly competitive, it is just that I am not that hard of a worker but I love to learn. </p>

<p>My rigor is low and I have few AP’s but I have generally made A’s except in spanish where I made all B’s for 3 years which brought my GPA down drastically. I would say my UW GPA is ~3.6-3.7 and my weighted is 3.85 out of like 4.7 max possible (hopefully improve senior year)</p>

<p>I am not trying to game the system but I love the sound and feel of CC so I just want to improve my chances but I guess SAT II’s might not make a huge difference.</p>

<p>Your grades aren’t abysmal. Your SATs are solid. If you have some interesting ECs and put together a good application package, you should have a decent shot. </p>

<p>Colorado College is a wonderful school. I’m out there now with my S who is an entering freshman. I can hardly say enough good things about this place. The Block Plan opens opportunities (for field work, short term study abroad, internships, etc.) that are harder to arrange under a conventional semester system.</p>

<p>CC sounds so perfect for me but I am in the 25%ile at this point with poor rigor so could SAT II’s help or is it all about the essays and app now?</p>

<p>~3.6 - 3.7 does not sound bad to me. If you think it translates to 25th %, it suggests some grade inflation is going on at your school. In just such a situation, high subject test scores (SAT II) might help you. If they turn out below expectations, don’t send them. </p>

<p>I do think the CC culture discourages obsession with grades. It seems to be very bad form here to ask questions like “Is this going to be on the test?” in a class. So in communicating with the school (interview, etc.) try to convey your enthusiasm about learning and not fret about your GPA/rank too much. It is what it is at this point, though you have a chance to bring it up a bit 1st semester. Think about books, projects, teachers you’ve enjoyed and how they’ve affected you. Then take your best shot at the essay and hope for the best. </p>

<p>And find a good safety. We considered scores of schools with my S, including some of the most prestigious LACs. The more I learn about CC, the more I’m convinced it is the best choice he could have made. On the other hand, there were several other schools he’d have been happy to attend, both more and less selective than Colorado College.</p>



<p>My school ranks using the weighted GPA, and the only reason i have a 3.7 UW is because I took an easy courseload. My weighted GPA is 3.83 out of a maximum 4.6 so isn’t that more reasonable now?</p>

<p>My son got in with lower stats than you have. ED helps.</p>

<p>Have you had an interview? Stay in touch with your Ad Rep. Don’t drive them nuts, but do let them know how much you love CC.</p>