Does Cooper Union (Art) often send out invitations to apply ED and fee waivers?

Does anyone know if Cooper Union School of Art often send out invitations to apply ED and fee waivers? I went to their Portfolio Day (this was a couple of months ago) and had my portfolio reviewed by an alumni representative. What they told me during the review session was that my portfolio was strong and that I should apply ED. But the thing is that the night before this Portfolio Day, I submitted my ED application to another school (I really like my ED school just before I write anything else) because Cooper Union has such a strong art program and I wasn’t confident that my artistic abilities aligned with the rigorous standards it holds it’s students to (They accept around 17 students each year-I asked during the session) Then just a couple hours ago, they sent an email inviting me to apply ED with a fee waiver because I was “identified as a student whose portfolio demonstrates exceptional promise, talent, and motivation.” So my question is that is this common? Did everyone who went to the Portfolio Day session and had their portfolio reviewed receive this email? Does this mean Cooper has recognized me along with a few handful of other applicants and this is slightly similar to a likely letter?

It is a compliment, but it I would not bet on it being close to a ‘likely letter’: they haven’t seen the rest of your app.

IF CU would have been your ED choice if you had had more confidence in the strength of the artistic parts of your app, you can pull your other ED (move it to RD, for example) and apply ED.

IF your current ED choice is still overall where you really want to be, just take the compliment.

Remember that this is a business transaction for both schools, not a dating app. Stay clear-eyed about it.

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any updates on admissions?