<p>I thought I got an A on the chem regents, but turns out I got a B+ :\ So far, it is my lowest regents. Since Cornell is a university in NY, will it consider the regents exam in its admission process? (Still ended the year with an A in Honors Chem)</p>
<p>If you aren’t majoring in anything science related you will be fine, otherwise I think they want you to get A’s on your regents. Don’t worry about this one test score though. Obviously your chances won’t be ruined.</p>
<p>even if you do want to do science I don’t think you should be seriously worried. if you want to be extra-careful, a nice SAT II score would probably erase any concern on the part of admissions.</p>
<p>kind of since they are usually listed on you’re transcript as one of your grades.</p>
<p>Hi, I just thought you might like to take a look at the following thread I started a while ago targeting the same question.</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/921567-how-much-do-nys-regents-count-cornell.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/921567-how-much-do-nys-regents-count-cornell.html</a></p>
<p>Well I got a 74 on my Physics regent and I was accepted so I think you will be fine. If you received an A on the rest of your regents I will say you are better then fine. A B+ wont really make a difference.</p>
<p>Chemistry was my best class this year… honors level, 98 for the year. Regents comes along, got my results today… 89 >_<</p>
<p>Question: what on earth are regents?
…I’m assuming this is a NY thing, and since I’m from Boston I don’t know?</p>
<p>Its a set of state wide tests based on what you learned that year in the curriculum. They have them for every subject. Teachers teach students based on what is on the regents well at least they do in my school. </p>
<p>You have to take and pass (65 or higher) a certain amount of regents to get a high school regents diploma. </p>
<p>Hope that was helpful.</p>
<p>xAesthetic: I did find that thread after I posted this, and indeed was helpful.
I also found somewhere else that someone asked a Cornell rep and the rep said the tests are definitely looked at, but they are not a huge factor.</p>
Yea… thank god Mass doesn’t have that… sounds pretty annoying. We just have MCAS, which is cake compared to that (it’s only general tests (non-subject specific) on proficiency in Math, English, and Biology). You get a scaled score and then an overall score of either 4 (advanced), 3 (proficient), 2 (basic), 1 (fail). You need 2+ on all of them in order to pass high school.</p>
<p>89 is good enough. however, NYS does have regents exam scholarships. If you do very well on regents exams, you might get some money :o</p>
<p>Equilibrium: I have heard of that, but I can’t find the requirements/eligibility online. Are you only notified of eligibility after you’re accepted to a college in NY?</p>
<p>^^I never heard of that and kids in my school usually do pretty well on the regents exams.
Oh well its too late for me to care now.</p>
<p>just out of curiousity ^ could you post all of ur regents exams scores? also were u a URM wen accepted?</p>
<p>haha i got a 78 on my chem regents!
absolutely no idea how that happened, i got an A in honors chem and everyone else who took honors chem also got in the 70s/80s that year…all the regular kids did better than us. it was very weird. </p>
<p>apparently it didnt matter.</p>
<p>although i’m sure it helped that i wasn’t applying as a science major and all of my other regents were consistent, all 90s and half of them 99-100. they must have just assumed it was a fluke.</p>
<p>i think regents don’t matter too much as long as you don’t get too low of a score on the exam and of course, too low of a grade in the class.</p>
<p>I got 84 on biology regents( but a 5 on the AP) and a 85 in physics
All my other regents were 90 and up
p.s.- i’m an ILRie</p>
<p>i took bio regents in 7th grade and got a 89 lol… then physics regents in 9th grade and got a 87 -_- </p>
<p>my english regents was 85… chem 98, spanish 92… math A 99, math B 95, so as you can tell, they aren’t that good. so prob doesn’t mean too much</p>
<p>^ i wished i took bio in 7th grade, but in my junior high school, only two classes were allowed to take bio. It would mean having more free time in h.s</p>
<p>^It doesn’t seem like students in 7th grade would be intellectually ready to take a full-fledged Biology course… I just base this on the fact that many freshmen at my high school seem to have significant trouble with it. Maybe this is because I just took AP Biology (which is obviously more challenging than honors/normal) and am under the impression that the workload would be unmanagable for a 12 year old. </p>
<p>Maybe they prepare you for serious work at an earlier age in NY compared to MA (though I don’t think so, since MA is in the top 3 states for public education).</p>