Does Cornell Care...(Chances Question)

<p>Does Cornell care about how many students apply from one school. I'm a Junior and I learned that a girl in my grade (probably in the top 3 of our class) is applying to Cornell. Looking at current chances threads on CC I'd say I'm an above average applicant (~65 percentile). I go to a REALLY competitive school, it's ranked every year on Newsweek's top 17 Public Elite Schools in the nation. It's a magnet school drawing the best kids from all over my state. We send a LOT of kids to top 20 colleges.</p>

<p>That said, will Cornell judge me based on this other genius-girl, or will they see me in the light of the larger pool of applicants? Because I am freaking out.</p>

<p>I plan on applying ED and I am worried I will get deferred because Cornell will want to hold out and see what else my school has to offer during RD after seeing this other girl.</p>

<p>I'm sure this question sounds stupid, but I am really paranoid about college now.
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>If you are an applicant Cornell would like to have, then you will be admitted. If not, you will not be admitted.</p>

<p>don’t worry about that other girl at all. do your very best in you classes and prepare however you need to for the standardized tests. polish your essays. that way, you can be confident that you’ve presented the best application you can. that’s all you can do, and there’s no reason to believe it wouldn’t be good enough!</p>

<p>If anything, cornell will look at your school to see if you took the most rigorous courses offered and get an understanding of your background. I’m sure they won’t compare you to the other girl. And if you are applying to different colleges within cornell, this is a non-issues since each college has its own process.</p>

<p>Ok, guys I feel a lot better about it now. I completely forgot about the whole different colleges thing and the rigor of my courseload vs. hers. </p>


<p>There are a few high schools I know where 30 to 40 kids come to Cornell each year. Just worry about yourself when applying to schools.</p>