Does ED give you an admission advantage?

<p>CMC says it takes about 25% of the entering class as ED.</p>

<p>Is there an easier chance to get in ED instead of RD?</p>

<p>Some forums say that for competitive schools like CMC it can actually be a disadvantage to apply ED because they don't want to give a good applicant a "yes" then have to tell a great applicant 'no' in the RD round.</p>

<p>This candidate has the stats for CMC, but not above their 75th percentile and has no hooks (athlete, urm, legacy, etc) - so trying to figure out if ED would give any admission advantage. Anyone with experience? Candidate loves the school!</p>

<p>Full pay or financial aid needed?
If full pay, I have heard from several sources, ED is a definite advantage.</p>

<p>EFC approx. 20k</p>