<p>I want to take Human Genetics 141 over the summer, but a prerequisite is a biological sciences course. So far as my first year the only course that I will take (spring '09) that is anything remotely close to biological science would be Environmental Science 10. When it says Biological sciences does it mean a class in the biological section of L&S breadth because ES 10 then would count. Am I still allowed to take this course? Do you guys think I can handle it? I did pass the AP Bio test if that is any consolation.</p>
<p>There goes my chance of taking a 3 unit class for my major over the summer…hello English >.<</p>
<p>But my major is MEB not IB and I was planning on taking it this semester in order to fulfill my Molecular Biology/ Genetics requirements for MEB. Grrr I need at least 6 units and I am for sure taking Math 16.</p>
<p>Well If I do take IB 141 will it still count for my major requirement even if it is to be discontinued in the future? It should…right? Don’t worry about me getting an easy A as genetics is probably my weakest area when it comes to biology (yet I find it very interesting) and I heard that it was a fun class. And it happens to be over the summer…it just seemed like a perfect choice.</p>
<p>Nice analogy. But it seems like the best combo for summer.
Math 16A + IB 141 = awesome
Math 16A + ( ) R5B = Okay
Math 16A + Stat 2 = way to much math</p>
<p>Leftist or anyone else who knows–
what is happening with MCBC142? It no longer shows up on the online catalog and I’m trying to work out my schedule for the next two years… is it being replaced by something else or what? What will MCB require for say CDB track where C142 was once a req?</p>
<p>calbear2012: Yes
[Degree</a> Requirement-L&S Breadth List: Biological Science](<a href=“http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/requirements/breadth7/bs.html]Degree”>http://ls-advise.berkeley.edu/requirements/breadth7/bs.html)</p>
<p>Do medical schools really care if I took IB 141? If from what I hear they can’t tell the difference between Math 1A and 16A why would they care that much that I took IB 141? Medical school is for people so it should be perfect. Actually I will take it no matter what since it works perfectly in my schedule. Just hope that since it’s an upper division and I will be a new sophomore that it doesn’t own me!</p>