<p>Okay, I'm a fob born in China and my formal name has the Y's and the Q's (as in Qi), making it obvious that I am from China. I was wondering if I chose the option of hiding my ethnicity when I applied to private colleges, would they still reject me because they can tell just by looking @ my first and last name that I'm a fob?</p>
<p>Man, private colleges and their "preserve our student body diversity"</p>
<p>Why would you hide your ethnicity? And who says you’ll get rejected? Why worry about it now? </p>
<p>I wrote my race and specific ethnicity, along with my fob legal name on my Common Application for Yale. Have some pride in who you are.</p>
<p>Asians being discriminated against in college admissions are a myth. Sure… affirmative action exists, but Asians have similar admit rates to Whites when athletes/legacies are taken out of the equation (Asians provide little of either).</p>
<p>honestly, this topic is so stupid.
what’s wrong with being asian? u get rejected with ur lack of credentials, not primarily your ethnicity.
i just thought it was plainly stupid post.
if the college judge u on ur name, why would u even apply there??
<p>half the Asian kids at top colleges have formal Asian names…It doesn’t matter in college admissions. Plus what’s the use of worrying about your first name? Your last name already gives away your ethnicity.</p>